Tuesday, April 5, 2016

How Long Did It Take You to Learn How to Do This Work?

This is one of the most frequent questions that I am asked at any of my appointments. I have to laugh a little as I respond that piano technology is field where it is not how long it took but that it takes a lifetime of continuing education and refinement. This past weekend was one of those grand opportunities for further learning and growth. I attended the Piano Technicians Guild’s four-day regional conference in Seattle known as WestPAC. Taking classes in field repairs, business organization, shop and tool refinement, Yamaha’s Disklavier Player Pianos, action rebuilding with composite material, action regulation, voicing techniques and tone regulation. Some of the things taught I had heard many times before but it never gets old for me. All subjects discussed bring a beneficial awareness of an ability to offer higher quality service. But more than anything, I left this conference re-inspired by the instructors and leaders of WestPAC. Many of these men and woman have dedicated decades of their lives to this often overlooked industry. Not only do they teach and lead by example, but they are also excited to finish teaching their class so they can attend another instructor’s class in hopes to learn something new and different. I am honored to be a part of this fine organization. And I look forward to the next conference and my lifetime of learning all the beautiful complexities of the piano.