Monday, June 1, 2020

Update: "Are you tuning pianos now?"

Dear Clients, Prospective Clients & Friends, 

Several of you have been asking about when I might be returning to piano tuning. I understand that being at home with an out of tune piano can be….well, a bit annoying. I have be hesitating to send out an update because the state’s conditions for in-home service providers has been fairly vague. Businesses have been given a long checklist to prepare for reopening. Some of which includes proper PPE equipment, sanitation, hygiene, tracking and reporting; just to name a few. All of which I have been appropriately working on. Not meeting these standards could otherwise risk closure.

Now that Washington State’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” directive has expired, a new reopening plan has been put in place. “Safe Start - Washington’s Phased Reopening” was issued on May 29th. Within this plan, regardless of whether your county is in Phase I or II, indoor professional services are limited to no more then 30 minutes. This is not enough time for a regular piano tuning appointment. To do any other way would leave the work incomplete and thus, compromise the quality of service. *This means Attune Piano Services will remain closed until further notice, dependent on updates from Washington State Department of Health. 

I know that many of you are ‘over’ this Covid-19 thing. You want life to go back to normal. I get it. Perhaps you didn’t know anyone that was directly affected. Not amongst your friends, your family or your community. However, I have. A family member sick and recovered, a friend stuck in the hospital for nearly three months, several clients ill and even one that I know of has passed away. Needless to say, this has hit very close to home for me. Because the nature of a piano tuner’s work brings them into multiple environments for long periods on a regular basis, I want to do my very best to make sure that I stay healthy, that you stay safe and that I am protecting my community of the Pacific Northwest. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding - stay well everyone! 


P.S. For more information on the Safe Start Plan, County Variances and Washington Department of Health, please see links listed below: 

Safe Start - Washington’s Phased Reopening

County Variance Chart

Washington State Department of Health

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